Providing Comprehensive and Customised Corporate Training Service

Fimmick Academy offers customised training and workshops to organisations looking to upgrade themselves.

From everyday know-how to in-depth industry insights together with real case studies, our experienced practitioners can cater to your needs.

Offering a Wide Range of Training Areas

  • Digital Marketing

    · Usage & statistics
    · Technology trends & adaptation
    · Social media marketing & advertising
    · Search engine marketing & optimisation

  • Content Marketing

    · Understanding target audience
    · Content & creative strategies
    · Video content creation
    · Content marketing metrics & analytics

  • Influencer Marketing

    · Identifying the right influencers
    · Co-creating online promotional content
    · Optimising influencers’ content
    · KPIs of influencer marketing campaign

  • Customer Relationship Management

    · Customer acquisition / retention strategy
    · Customer engagement strategy
    · Data cleansing & analytics
    · CRM project management

  • Innovative Technologies

    · Database & big data management
    · UX, UI & web development
    · Machine learning & application
    · E-commerce strategy & management

  • Social Innovation

    · Social entrepreneurship
    · Social innovation sustainability
    · CSR / CSV implementation
    · Digital technologies for social innovation

How We Help

We help clients tackle their business challenges and enable clients’ employees to meet their learning objectives.

  • Global Market Expansion

  • Online Brand Building

  • Technology Adoption

  • Boost Employee Engagement

  • Improve Employee Productivity

  • Enhance Internal Capabilities

Our Methodology

  • Step 1

    Identity the business needs and employees' skills gaps.

  • Step 2

    Plan and create a customised corporate training programme.

  • Step 3
    Deliver & Evaluate

    Implement interactive training and ensure the learning outcomes are relevant.